Thursday, September 3, 2020
123456 free essay sample
LA DACTILOSCOPIA TEMA 11 TEMA 11 ____________________________________________________________ __________ CARACTERISTICAS INDIVIDUALES DE LOS DACTILOGRAMAS. LOS PUNTOS CARACTERISTICOS. ENUMERACION, DEFINICION Y DETERMINACION DE LOS PRINCIPALES. COMBINACION DE PUNTOS CARACTERISTICOS. LA IDENTIFICACION A TRAVES DE LOS PUNTOS CARACTERISTICOS Y EL NUMERO MINIMO DE ELLOS PARA UNA IDENTIFICACION. POROS Y EXCRECENCIAS. CARACTERISTICAS INDIVIDUALES DE LOS DACTILOGRAMAS. LOS PUNTOS CARACTERISTICOS. Dentro de los tres apartados que ibamos an estudiar en relacion con las caracteristicas generales de los dactilogramas, el tercero de ellos se referia al estudio de las peculiaridades individuales de estos dibujos, es decir, an aquellos elementos individualizadores que presentan los dibujos papilares para distinguirse unos de otros. Estos elementos se denominan puntos caracteristicos y se trata de una serie de accidentes, de interrupciones o de peculiaridades morfologicas, dentro del typical y conti nuado desarrollo de las crestas papilares. ENUMERACION, DEFINICION Y DETERMINACION DE LOS PRINCIPALES PUNTOS CARACTERISTICOS. 1. Abrupta: Denominamos asi la cresta papilar ubicada entre otras dos, casi paralelas an ella, que termina sin volver an aparecer. Abrupta ____________________________________________________________ __________ 1 LICENCIATURA EN CRIMINOLOGIA UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA LA DACTILOSCOPIA TEMA 11 2. Bifurcacion: Es la cresta papilar que parte del lado izquierdo del dibujo y se desdobla en dos, las cuales continuan paralelamente un trecho mas o menos largo. Bifurcacion 3. Convergencia: Igual de forma a la bifurcacion, pero de direccion contraria. Por tanto esta constituida por dos crestas que parten paralelamente del lado izquierdo de la impresion y se fusionan formando una sola cresta. Convergencia Para distinguir facilmente estos dos puntos roughage que pensar en la direccion de las agujas del reloj como modelo a seguir. Asi, si siguiendo este sentido dos crestas se fusionan en una sola se denomina convergencia, mientras que si lo que hacen es dividirse en dos, le llamaremos bifurcacion. Bifurcacion Convergencia ____________________________________________________________ __________ 2 LICENCIATURA EN CRIMINOLOGIA UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA LA DACTILOSCOPIA TEMA 11 4. Desviacion: La constituyen dos crestas procedentes de lados distintos de la impresion, que parece van an encontrarse y formar una sola linea, pero cuyos extremos se desvian ââ¬cuando ya estan proximos-quedando separados por un surco interpapilar. Desviacion 5. Empalme: Cresta corta, de direccion oblicua, que se funde por sus lados con otras dos paralelas. Empalme 6. Fragmento: Cresta de extremos abruptos y de measurement variable. Asi, llamamos ââ¬Å"pequenoâ⬠, al que no es cinco veces mas largo que ancho. ââ¬Å"Medianoâ⬠de cinco a diez veces su grosor, y ââ¬Å"grandeâ⬠el que excede de diez veces su grosor. Fragmento 7. Interrupcion: Solamente se aprecia la characteristic de una cresta completa que aproximadamente ocean doble de larga que de anchura y presente redondeados los extremos de la interrupcion, como si fueran dos abruptas proximas y enfrentadas. Interrupcion ____________________________________________________________ __________ 3 LICENCIATURA EN CRIMINOLOGIA UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA LA DACTILOSCOPIA TEMA 11 8. Ojal: Es el espacio eliptico compuesto por las ramas de una cresta bifurcada que vuelve a fusionarse por convergencia. Atendiendo a la longitud de los ojales, tambien podemos subdividirlos como los fragmentos. Ojal 9. Punto: Pequeno fragmento de cresta, tan corto como ancho. Suele estar situado en el centro de una interrupcion, o de un delta hundido o, mas generalmente, entre dos crestas. Punto 10. Transversal: Cresta que se aparta de la direccion head y cruza bet otras dos de trayectoria opuesta. Transversal 11. Cuna o ensamble: Es la cresta que entra por entre atras dos paralelas, como el ensamble del carpintero. Ensamble ____________________________________________________________ __________ 4 LICENCIATURA EN CRIMINOLOGIA UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA LA DACTILOSCOPIA TEMA 11 COMBINACION DE PUNTOS CARACTERISTICOS. Ademas de tasks los puntos caracteristicos enumerados anteriormente, tambien existen aquellos que surgen de la combinacion con otros, asi, por ejemplo, la bifurcacion seguida de un ojal, el ojal o los ojales seguidos de una convergencia, la convergencia ojal, el ojal bifurcacion, la convergencia bifurcacion and so on. Martin de Andres les da el nombre de puntos caracteristicos reunidos, consecutivos y equivocos a las combinaciones que resultan de la aproximacion o association de los puntos caracteristicos mas comunes. Ahora bien, para que esta combinacion de puntos pueda considerarse como puntos reunidos, es preciso que entre ello no haya una distancia civic chairman a cuatro veces el grueso de una cresta. LA IDENTIFICACION A TRAVES DE LOS PUNTOS CARACTERISTICOS Y EL NUMERO MINIMO DE ELLOS PARA UNA IDENTIFICACION. Como sabemos, la identificacion lofoscopica solamente es posible a traves de las caracteristicas individuales de las crestas papilares, es decir, a traves de la identificacion numerica, topografica y morfologica de los puntos caracteristicos. En cuanto al numero de ellos para llegar a la end cientifica y juridica de que una huella anonima ha sido producida por determinado dedo de tal o cual persona fisica, roughage que decir que en la actualidad no existe un criterio unificado al respecto. En recientes congresos internacionales sobre dactiloscopia se ha llegado a la end de que el numero de DOCE puntos caracteristicos es necesario y suficiente para probar la identidad entre dos imagenes lofoscopicas. Este numero de doce puntos esta determinado, logicamente, por calculos matematicos de probabilidades; combinaciones no solo efectuadas por el numero de elementos diversos, sino tambien por su morfologia y situacion dentro del mapa de las crestas an estudiar. Estudios realizados por teoricos dactiloscopistas como Galton, Balthazard o Ramos, llegan a la end de que por calculos matematicos tendrian que transcurrir 4. 660. 337 siglos para que dos dibujos papilares coincidiesen en sus caracteristicas especificas. Esto child estudios de probabilidades matematicas, aunque en realidad task el mundo sabe y acepta como verdad lo innecesario de la naturaleza a repetirse. Deciamos risks que el numero minimo de puntos aceptado para certificar una identidad es el de doce, es decir, un guarismo, aunque a decir verdad, el numero de estas coincidencias no es tan importante como su morfologia. No es lo mismo encontrar diez o doce puntos caracteristicos comunes del tipo de la abrupta o de la bifurcacion ââ¬bastante ____________________________________________________________ _________ 5 LICENCIATURA EN CRIMINOLOGIA UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA LA DACTILOSCOPIA TEMA 11 comunes segun estudios porcentuales realizados sobre la aparicion de los mismos-, que encontrar cinco o seis puntos del tipo de la transversal, la interrupcion, el ensamble o la desviacion ââ¬autenticas rarezas-. Es decir, que para un lofoscopista experto, una combinacion menor de doce puntos acompanada de la rareza de estos puntos, serian sufic ientes para llegar an una end cientificamente razonada de la identidad de los dibujos estudiados. Muy frecuentes: Abrupta, Bifurcacion y Convergencia. Frecuentes: Ojal y fragmento. Poco frecuentes: Desviacion, empalme, interrupcion, Punto, Transversal, Ensamble. POROS Y EXCRECENCIAS. Como complemento de los puntos caracteristicos individuales, colectivos y en cadena, podemos senalar como particularidades de los dactilogramas los poros y las excrecencias. Sobre los poros ya hablamos anteriormente, asi como de la posibilidad de su estudio a traves de la poroscopia, ciencia iniciada por Locard y que estaba basada en varios actores como la morfologia de los poros, su numero, situacion and so on. Excrecencias child unas crestas finas ubicadas a lo largo de los surcos interpapilares, crestas que por su rara aparicion child muy interesantes para el estudio, aunque como veremos mas adelante no se consideran como crestas en cuanto al computo de las mismas en la subformulacion de los dactilogramas monodelticos. Poros Excrecencias ____________________________________________________________ __________ 6 LICENCIATURA EN CRIMINOLOGIA UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA
Business Monetary Policy Essay
Business Monetary Policy Essay Business: Monetary Policy Essay That was the second when British Airways has chosen to change the procedure and receive new approaches. One of the new approaches was to lessen CO2 discharges with half, contrasted with different organizations that lone diminished it with 15%, this was a generally excellent choice, and furthermore they are chipping away at making another sort of fuel called bio diesel which is without contamination and more amicable with the earth. Monetary Policy: Government spending approaches that impacts macroeconomic conditions. These approaches influence charge rates, loan fees and government burning through in an energy to control the economy. Fiscal Policy: The activity of a focal, bank cash or other administrative board that decide the size and pace of development of the cash gracefully, which thusly influences loan costs. Fiscal arrangement is kept up through activities, for example, expanding the loan fee, or changing the measure of cash banks need to keep in the vault or bank holds airways.php#ixzz2PJ3s3u3H Techniques for affecting business sector results can come as money related and monetary arrangements. Financial strategies impact shifts in total interest for merchandise and enterprises by expanding the cash gracefully, diminishing the harmony loan fees and invigorating speculation going through or diminishing the cash flexibly, raising balance loan fees, bringing down venture spending (Mankiw, 2004) Fiscal approaches move the total interest bend by expanding or diminishing government
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Sanctuary of Artemis at Ephesus The Temple of Artemis, sometimesâ called the Artemisium,â was a tremendous, lovely spot of love, that was worked around 550 BCEà in the rich, portâ city of Ephesus (locatedâ in what is presently western Turkey).à When the delightful landmark was torched 200 years laterâ by the pyromaniac Herostratus in 356 BCE, the Temple of Artemis was constructed once more, similarly as huge yet much more unpredictably enlivened. It was this second form of the Temple of Artemis that was granted a spot among the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. The Temple of Artemis was again destroyedâ in 262 CE when the Goths attacked Ephesus, however the second time it was not reconstructed. Who Was Artemis? For old Greeks, Artemisâ (also known as the Romanà goddessà Diana), the twin sister of Apollo,â was the athletic, solid, virginâ goddess of chasing and wild animals,â often portrayed with a bow and bolt. Ephesus, in any case, was not simply a Greek city. Despite the fact that it had been established by Greeks as a state on Asia Minor around 1087 BCE,à it kept on being impacted by the first occupants of the territory. In this manner, at Ephesus,â the Greek goddess Artemis was joined with the nearby, agnostic goddess of fruitfulness, Cybele. The fewâ sculptures that survive from Artemis of Ephesus show a lady remaining, with her legs fittedâ tightly together and her arms held out before her. Her legsâ were wrapped firmly in a long skirt secured with creatures, for example, stags and lions. Around her neck was a wreath of blossoms and on her head wasâ either a cap or a headdress.à But what was most articulated was herâ torso, which wasâ covered with countless bosoms or eggs. Artemis of Ephesusâ was not onlyâ the goddess of ripeness, she was the supporter god of the city. All things considered, Artemis of Ephesus required a sanctuary in which to be respected. The First Temple of Artemis The principal Temple of Artemis was worked in a damp region since a long time ago held holy by locals.à It is accepted that there was probably a type of sanctuary or place of worship there at any rate as right on time as 800 BCE. In any case, when broadly rich King Croesus of Lydia vanquished the region in 550 BCE, he requested another, bigger, increasingly superb sanctuary to be manufactured. The Temple of Artemis was anâ immense, rectangularâ structure made of white marble.à Theà Temple wasâ 350-feet long and 180-feet wide, bigger than a cutting edge, American-football field. What was really staggering, however, was its stature. The 127 Ionic segments, which wereâ lined up in two columns all around the structure, arrived at 60 feet high. That was about twice as high as the segments at theà Parthenon in Athens.â The whole Temple was shrouded in lovely carvings, including the sections, which was abnormal for the time. Inside the Temple was a sculpture of Artemis, which is accepted to have been life-sized. Torching For a long time, the Temple of Artemis was venerated. Pioneers would go significant distances to see the Temple. Numerous guests would make liberal gifts to the goddess to win her kindness. Merchants would make symbols of her similarity and sell them close to the Temple. The city of Ephesus, effectively a fruitful port city, before long got affluent from the travel industry got by the Temple also. At that point, on July 21, 356 BCE, a crazy person named Herostratus put a match to the heavenly structure, with the sole motivation behind needing to be recollected since the beginning. The Temple of Artemis burned to the ground. The Ephesians and almost the whole antiquated world were stunned at such an audacious, profane act. So thatâ such an evilâ act would not make Herostratus renowned, the Ephesiansâ banned anybody from talking his name, with the discipline being passing. Notwithstanding their earnest attempts, Herostratus name has stood out forever and is stillâ remembered more thanâ 2,300â years later. Legend has it that Artemis was too occupied to even think about stopping Herostratus from torching her sanctuary since she was assisting with the introduction of Alexander the Great that day. The Second Temple of Artemis At the point when the Ephesians figured out the roasted survives from the Temple of Artemis, it is said they found the sculpture of Artemis unblemished and safe. Accepting this as a positive sign, the Ephesians pledged to revamp the sanctuary. It is muddled to what extent it took to reconstruct, butâ it handily took decades. There is a story that when Alexander the Great showed up in Ephesus in 333 BCE, he offered to help pay for the remaking of the Temple as long as his name would be engraved on it.à Famously, the Ephesians found a careful wayâ of repelling his proposal by saying, It isn't fitting that one god should assemble a sanctuary for another god. In the end, the second Temple of Artemis was done, equivalent or slightly taller in size yet even moreâ elaborately brightened. The Temple of Artemis was notable in the old world and was a goal for some admirers. For a long time, the Temple of Artemis was venerated and visited. At that point, in 262 CE, the Goths, one of the manyâ tribes from the north, attacked Ephesus and crushed the Temple. This time, with Christianity on the ascent and the faction of Artemis on the decay, it was chosen to not revamp the Temple. Damp Ruins Tragically, the vestiges of the Temple of Artemis were in the long run looted, with the marble being taken for different structures in the region. After some time, the marsh wherein the Temple was assembled developed bigger, assuming control over a great part of the once-stupendous city. By 1100 CE, the couple of outstanding residents of Ephesus had totally overlooked that the Temple of Artemis at any point existed. In 1864, the British Museum supported John Turtle Wood to exhume the zone with expectations of finding the remnants of the Temple of Artemis. Following five years of looking, Wood at last found the remaining parts of the Temple of Artemis under 25 feet of muggy mud. Later archeologists have additionally uncovered the site, however very little has been found. The establishment stays there as does a solitary section. The couple of curios that have been found were dispatched to the British Museum in London.
Job Motivation Differnce Ampong Male and Female Employees Free Essays
string(110) ascribe their accomplishments to capacity while females may quality their achievement in these fields to effort. Prologue to Motivation There are innumerable books, workshops, and recordings regarding the matter of inspiration, especially with respect to persuading representatives. As organizations keep on attempting to discover approaches to crush increasingly more efficiency out of a contracting number of laborers, spurring those representatives is a basic factor in the businessââ¬â¢ achievement. Being in an administration position isn't simple, and not generally fun. We will compose a custom paper test on Occupation Motivation Differnce Ampong Male and Female Employees or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now The position accompanies a lot of obligation and can demonstrate distressing. Holding an administration position frequently implies you are placed responsible for huge quantities of individuals, all with various mentalities, states of mind and miens; whose presentation you are considered responsible for. That is the awful news. The uplifting news is regardless of whether things are not ideal; you can take care of business. Figure out how to spur your employeeââ¬â¢s and you can make something happen for everybody. You might be imagining that the change needs to originate from the people when actually the change starts with you. Being in an administration position as a matter of course makes you a pioneer. Others are seeking you for direction and backing. You should meet the challenge at hand. Your administration style can significantly improve the general mentality in the work environment. Positive messages originating from you as a supervisor will go far towards improving your efficiency and the work execution of your representatives. As a director the little ways you communicate with the workforce regular incredibly impacts how they complete their obligations as people. So might be you have not been so sure before, itââ¬â¢s never past the point where it is possible to change. Start over again. Start with you. Ladies and men holding administrative posts don't vary in the manner they rate singular inspiration factors, an examination of inspiration as indicated by prevalence in the working environment uncovers. Sexual orientation contrasts were discovered uniquely among average staff. This discovering underpins the thought, regularly refered to in expert writing, that ladies in the executives adjust to ââ¬Ëmaleââ¬â¢ thinking and direct, regardless of whether purposely or not, and disguise the qualities winning in a male-commanded work showcase. As certain general conclusion overviews have appeared, female supervisors are not all around acknowledged by the Czech open. The way that Czech society still egards ladies in the executives as abnormal may bring about a more noteworthy probability of these directors experiencing bias or separation. Consequently, it may be valuable for female supervisors to absorb standards of conduct run of the mill for men in similar positions. This sort of con duct will almost certain empower them to meet the general desires related with the job of supervisor. One of the patterns today is taking consideration to be touchy when managing workers, yet by and by a smart thought has been debased by political accuracy go crazy. Affectability didnââ¬â¢t get the pyramids, or the cross-country railroad, or Rome constructed. It wasnââ¬â¢t affectability that beat the Kaiser, Hitler, and Saddam (twice). It was difficult work, suitable prizes, and a collaboration. Thought Point Of Differences In Motivation Among Gendersâ⬠¦.. Inspiration and accomplishment are ideas that are firmly related. Inspiration is the power that drives an individual toward needing to accomplish certain objectives and levels of greatness. Examination into sexual orientation contrasts in inspiration and accomplishment among guys and females has been a typical report by scientists and therapists. These distinctions show themselves in various everyday issues, for example, grinding away, in school and in extracurricular exercises. Execution â⬠¢ Achievement-inspiration hypothesis identifies with the craving to perform well in a specific territory and to accomplish achievement. Various variables rouse individuals to make progress. As indicated by an overview did by the Czech-based Research Institute of Labor and Social Affairs, male and female specialists have various inspirations for good execution at work. The study demonstrates a decent essential pay and rewards inspire guys to perform well, while the driving work power for female representatives is sound relational relations at work, adaptability to adjust work and family and legitimate treatment by different representatives and the business. This shows various elements move guys and females to accomplish and perform well in their territories of work. As indicated by the examination, guys are increasingly persuaded by ââ¬Å"instrumental valuesâ⬠, for example, compensation, contrasted and ladies. Desires â⬠¢ The convictions and desires held by guardians, peers and the school condition significantly impacts the standards of conduct of guys and females. Society grooms guardians, friends and instructors to anticipate that females and guys should get inspiration from various things and to have various degrees of accomplishments in specific zones. For instance, instructors anticipate that young men should exceed expectations superior to young ladies in math and sciences, while young ladies are relied upon to exceed expectations better in dialects. Also, society anticipates that young ladies should be pleasing and expressive, while young men are relied upon to be forceful and confident. Offspring of the two sexual orientations grow up and disguise these desires and convictions with a specific recognition that they are more able in specific regions than in others. This mingled see makes females and guys determine motivation in those various territories, and therefore, they may make progress in these particular zones. Bosses who use cash to propel representatives may find that the general reaction from the two people is almost the equivalent. Raises, rewards and other money related prizes may just be a transient help for the two sexual orientations, as indicated by a 2011 article from the University of Phoenix business college. An employeeââ¬â¢s inspiration may ascend for a short time after he gets a boost in salary. In any case, the article notes examines that show workers frequently increment their spending in the wake of accepting a raise, which expends their extra compensation. That conceivably brings down their inspiration to its past level in light of the fact that their money related circumstance stays unaltered. Exertion and Ability â⬠¢ The attribution hypothesis clarifies how accomplishment and inspiration in the two sexes is dictated by impression of exertion and capacity. This hypothesis relates the sexual orientation contrasts in accomplishment and inspiration on how people property their accomplishments. In zones, for example, math, science, innovation or game, guys credit their accomplishments to capacity while females may characteristic their achievement in these fields to exertion. You read Occupation Motivation Differnce Ampong Male and Female Employees in classification Article models Unlike females, guys are in this manner ready to show a more significant level of inspiration due to ascribing their accomplishments to capacity since they accept that their abilities in these territories are common traits. The distinctions coming about because of crediting accomplishments to capacity as opposed to exertion between the sexual orientations are that guys trait their achievement in regions such math, science and game to capacity and along these lines show high inspiration toward these territories. Females credit their accomplishments to exertion and their disappointments in fields, for example, math and sciences to absence of capacity and subsequently will in general show lower inspiration in these fields. Self-Efficacy â⬠¢ Self-viability is the faith in your ability to accomplish certain objectives, regardless of whether through exertion or capacity. A solid feeling of self-adequacy persuades an individual to accomplish profoundly, however lower self-viability hoses inspiration and accomplishment. Like attribution, the degree of self viability an individual has is frequently affected by guardians, companions and instructors. As indicated by examine discoveries distributed in the Center for Positive Practices site, striking contrasts exist in how guys and females understudies picked their majors in school. Self-adequacy toward subjects like science is frequently higher in guys than in females, whose self-viability is normally higher in branches of knowledge, for example, perusing. Male and female laborers ââ¬Ëdiffer in approachesââ¬â¢ â⬠¢ The suppositions and approaches of male and female representatives will in general vary with regards to business related issues, it has been found. As indicated by the Randstad Work screen for the second from last quarter of 2011, respondents expressed that they like to co-work with the other gender as opposed to their own. Be that as it may, India, Singapore, Japan and Greece saw little distinction in sexual orientation inclinations among laborers. View of Rewards â⬠¢ Men and ladies vary in their impression of what is significant and rousing for good work execution, a Czech overview uncovers. The circulation of both inborn and extraneous prizes should, in this manner, be attached to the particular needs or inclinations of people. â⬠¢ In Perception of remuneration frameworks, ladies imagine that view reward frameworks as out of line and inconsequential to their exhibition more much of the time than men do. Every female worker is persuaded that they are not compensated by their exhibition; only one of every five male representatives thinks so. A bigger number of ladies than men feel underestimated contrasted and male/female associates similarly situated in the organization. At the point when respondents contrasted themselves and associates similarly situated, 57. 2% of men and 51. 6% of ladies appraised their compensation as reasonable. A larger number of ladies than men likewise accept that they work in organizations where they are paid not as much as representatives in different firms in a similar region. This recommends, in the abstract assessment of respondents, there still exist various organizations where equivalent and straightforward, execution related compensation doesn't involve course. â⬠¢ Focusing exclusively on ladies, the legitimate outcome of the past ends is the rise of two distinctive representative classes. Contrasted and other female workers, wo
Friday, August 21, 2020
Advantages & Disadvantages of E-Learning
E-learning is an expansive term that for the most part alludes to any sort of learning finished with a PC and Internet association or CD-ROM. It is utilized by people, instructive foundations and organizations. Similarly as with a learning, it works preferred for some over others. The nature of e-learning has improved as of late, as instructors and understudies have gotten increasingly alright with the innovation. 1. Contemplations * E-learning is a brilliant alternative in training, especially when there are impediments to customary learning situations.For model, a few people wish to proceed with their instructions however don't live inside driving separation of a school or college and don't think that its plausible to migrate. E-learning is a reasonable option for these understudies. Another deterrent to conventional learning, particularly in grades K through 12, is the ââ¬Å"one size fits allâ⬠mindset it grasps. Numerous understudies simply don't learn well in a conventiona l learning condition, yet flourish in an increasingly adaptable setting. To address this issue, guardians are going to e-learning open doors for their children.Some pick full-time enlistment in a virtual school, while others use e-figuring out how to enhance a self-teach educational plan. In the business world, e-learning gives an approach to organizations to prepare and educate workers without expecting them to head out to a focal area. Points of interest * Convenience is one of the significant focal points of e-learning. It permits understudies to work and learn at their own pace without the resolute time limitations of customary learning. Since e-learning gives access to learning materials whenever, understudies have the adaptability to plan around families, employments and other activities.Another significant advantage of e-learning is the availability it gives. Understudies can gain from anyplace on the planet. This is a particularly significant thought for understudies who wis h to concentrate in an alternate nation. Also, in light of the fact that e-taking in should be possible from home, understudies have less apparel and driving costs than with conventional learning. Inconveniences * A significant detriment to e-learning is the self-control it requires. While having the option to work at your own pace can be a preferred position, it can likewise be a disadvantage.This is particularly valid for understudies who experience issues with time the executives and lingering. These understudies will in general be progressively fruitful with the structure of conventional learning. Another detriment to e-learning is the innovation in question. A few people don't have prepared access to a PC and Internet association. Also, some who do have the necessary hardware feel sick prepared to utilize it. Absence of cooperation among educator and understudy is another downside to e-learning. A few understudies need the prompt criticism that communication gives. Types * Ther e are a few kinds of e-learning situations.The most normal incorporate taking a solitary course on the web, full-time enlistment in an online secondary school or school, separation taking in through satellite and gaining from data on a CD-ROM. Numerous organizations and associations offer preparing for their workers utilizing different e-learning techniques. Cautioning * E-adapting enormously expands the accessibility of instructive chances. Sadly, it additionally builds the quantity of tricks identified with online instruction. People considering e-learning prospects ought to be aware of such tricks and altogether explore any program before making a responsibility.
Social Media Advertising Free Essays
Web Advertising: Social Networking First Name Last Name BUS 123 Introduction To Advertising Dr. First name and last name September 26, 2010 Internet Advertising Now like never before, private ventures can advance themselves online by focusing on clients and extending their systems, regularly for practically no expense. Organizations can advance themselves through an assortment of strategies, for example, focusing on clients by socioeconomics, adding to online conversations and causing to notice new administrations. We will compose a custom paper test on Web-based social networking Advertising or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Publicizing in the 21st century has become flexible as a result of different online social sites like Facebook and Twitter, alongside other blog environment sites like Pinterest and Craigslist. In the most recent decade, the blast of mechanical advances has delivered exceptional occasions throughout the entire existence of humankind. One of them is the Internet and its change into another vehicle for promoting and the utilization of social correspondence in publicizing. Unavoidably, the web has completely changed us. Inâ traditional media, papers, radioâ and televisionâ can cause data overloadâ and change the perceptionâ of the crowd (Janoschka, 2004). Theà Internet is notâ exempt from thisâ danger, butâ has the potential toâ do something different,â becauseâ it can legitimately reachâ the target audienceâ and connect with it. An element of memory is to overlook, particularly data that isn't critical. The test of publicizing is to cause you to recollect the advertisements. The design is to sell. The great exposure persuades the watcher to purchase the item. This requires making an alluring brand picture and fortifying it with every advertisement. Publicizing utilizes both verbal and nonverbal components that are created to occupy explicit existence positions controlled by the support. Promoting contacts individuals through a channel of correspondence alluded to as a medium. Today, innovation empowers promoting to reach itsââ¬â¢ target crowd proficiently through the Internet. In the 1990ââ¬â¢s, the Internet turned into a significant piece of American culture and is the quickest developing kind of publicizing. Its something other than standard promotions, it implies enormous arrangement intelligent advertisements, internet searcher showcasing, making uncommon promotion recordings for web download and supporting TV advertisements with online destinations. Correspondence among individuals everywhere throughout the world is easy, and data on practically any theme is only a couple of keystrokes away. As an open worldwide stage open to a wide range of data, amusement, and correspondence, one of which is web based publicizing, it has become the most recent mass medium. â⬠(Janoschka, 2004). Web innovation permits conveying the correct message to the ideal indiv idual at the opportune time while helping promoters to contact their crowd. Fromâ the second theâ surferâ entersâ the web to look for data, pop ups show up permitting the crowd to buy in toâ mailing records thatâ will sendâ continuousâ news, advancements, articles, and so on , relying upon à their inclinations. This permits theâ sellerâ to betterâ reach its targetâ and maintainâ continuousâ communicationâ in the shortestâ time conceivable. .Most online promotions don't come to you as an individual, however by your inclinations in different subjects, your area or, when all is said in done, by your conduct during web route. In many nations, it is conceivable to isolate the crowd by geographic territory dependent on IP address, which encourages publicizing organizations that offer items and administrations in those zones. Sites utilize segment information to learn more their crowd. While enlisting with a gateway or site, you regularly give certain individual data, for example, your age, sexual orientation, leisure activities, and so forth. With this data, sites offer significant substance and promotions dependent on the data gave. A few organizations spend significant time in an information assortment process known as conduct promoting which matches advertisements to the interests of clients dependent on their riding propensities. As clients peruse, publicists gather information on their online movement: locales visited, time spent on every promotion appeared, advertisements that were clicked, when and how frequently you click on the flags. Today, treats are apparatuses that permit publicists to target publicizing to explicit crowds and portions. Comparedâ with conventional mediaâ the cost ofâ internet publicizing isâ extremely low, andâ because of its effectivenessâ and its high potential for development, it isâ idealâ for smallâ and medium organizations thatâ do not have largeâ resources to investâ in other media. At that point the questionsâ arise: howâ to advertiseâ online? What is theâ correct wayâ to? There is noâ magic formulaâ that a media organizer would you be able to utilize however here are a few proposals. Because of the web being worldwide, the system gives the likelihood to contact all crowds on the planet. With web promoting one mustâ include,â email,â search engineâ registration, and standards which areâ ads withâ motion designs whichâ are situated in differentâ sitesâ of the networkâ as a gatewayâ inputâ to a site. Utilizing email as a type of notice is simple and free. All that is required is to pursue email with your internetâ service providerâ or aâ freeâ mailâ serverâ such as Yahooâ mail or Gmail and send messages toâ the potentialâ customers withâ offersâ or informationâ on items. As indicated by Arens, ââ¬Å"Google is the most well known goal on the web arriving at a shocking 40 percent of all Web clients each dayâ⬠(pg 337). Web indexes are just liable for enrolling entryway sites and their substance and afterward conveyance the outcomes to the clients who made solicitations for data. Coming up next is a case of how a web crawler functions. A client utilizes the inquiry engineâ of their decision andâ asks to findâ companiesâ that exportâ tomatoes. The web crawler willâ sendâ in responseâ with a rundown of sites of companiesâ that fulfillâ the demand andâ then the client canâ enterâ the diverse sitesâ to seeâ what they need and select the organization thatâ meetsâ their prerequisites. Theâ banner systemâ isâ one meansâ of web advertisingâ that is increasingly powerful: You can chooseâ the categoriesâ to be shown andâ include enlightening wordsâ to detectâ if the client isâ looking for that specific item. Theâ bannersâ are like theâ rotatingâ bannerâ butâ the distinction is thatâ the client can interactâ with them. As in anyâ project,â internet advertisingâ should beginâ byâ makingâ a vital arrangement. The outcome will beâ better arranging ofâ a site andâ the capacity to maintainâ the userââ¬â¢s attentionâ and client reliability. The nearness of web promoting will be a superb supplement to customary media publicizing and may wind up getting one of the needs of sponsors. For the time being, an ever increasing number of promotions in the media show the heading taken by publicists alongside client care and different administrations of intrigue. Client gatherings, blogsâ andâ social networkingâ sites like Facebook and Twitterâ are priceless resourcesâ for monitoringâ companiesââ¬â¢ reputationsâ and interests ofâ consumers of administrations andâ products. Facebook is the biggest informal community on the planet with in excess of 500 million individuals associated with one another. Facebook has not outperformed Yahoo! o be the second most famous webpage on the web behind Google. Facebookââ¬â¢s prevalence has expanded because of the capacity to associate people without land hindrances. The uniqueness of Facebook permits individuals to meet for all intents and purposes to talk about and share their in clinations with one another (Arens, Schaefer, Weigold, 2011). There are 60 million notices posted each day in more than 65 dialects. Facebookââ¬â¢s crowd is far better than some other mass medium like TV channels, radio or press Facebook has changed publicizing by the size of its crowd, yet in addition by the designing behind its activity. It permits a logical and shrewd promoting to arrive at the exact objective crowd through market division as per sex, age, geographic area, nation, city and territory, instructive level, likes, premiums, item inclinations, most loved exercises, most loved projects and language. For instance, it is currently conceivable to know without broad statistical surveying which nations have the biggest number of youth somewhere in the range of 18 and 35 years and who love exciting music, football and a specific brand of brew. Having a nearness in web based life is an absolute necessity have for most brands. Facebook made Pages for organizations to post data about their administrations or items. When utilizing a web search tool, your Facebook Page will be one of the primary consequences of your inquiry. Buyers have huge force and impact on a brand and trust suggestions of different shoppers they donââ¬â¢t know. As indicated by Barefoot, ââ¬Å"Groups and applications gain ubiquity one companion of a companion of a companion at a timeâ⬠(Barefoot, pg 174). The outcome is companions turning out to be fans or joining bunches urging them to buy an item or administration that is being talked about or promoted. Twitter is as yet a mainstream internet based life organizing webpage, in spite of the fact that selection is declining. Contrasted with Facebook, Twitter has 50 million tweets made every day and the normal Twitter account has a normal of 300 supporters. Long range interpersonal communication is critical to advertisers since it offers them the chance to show clients that they are tuning in to what they need to state about a brand or item and react in like manner. The conceivable outcomes are huge. It is basic forâ organizations to give direct consumerâ messagesâ dailyâ on Twitter, maintainâ a Facebook page, or depending?
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Unconscionability as the Basis of Rendering a Contract - Free Essay Example
âDiscuss whether the doctrine of unconscionability is appropriate to form the underlying basis for a claim of voidable contract on the ground of undue influenceà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction Common Law Countriesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ Position England Australia Canada Malaysiaà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s position Conclusion Bibliography Introduction According to the Contract Act[1], in section 16(3) when a person entered into a contract with a person who has the position to dominate the will of another, and the transaction appears to be unconscionable, the burden to prove that the contract is not by undue influence lie on the person who has the will to dominate another. Here, it seems that the act was saying the unconscionability is an element of undue influence. However, do the doctrine of unconsionability can be regarded as an underlying basis of the Undue Influence? Doctrine of unconscionability is application of consent based obligations, where someoneà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s consent to bargain was only procured through external pressure that another person exploited. Basically, unconscionable contract is held unenforceable because no reasonable person would agree otherwise to it. The perpetrator is not allow to benefit, as the consideration is lacking, and to enforce the contract will be unfair. For the defe nce of unconscionability to apply, contract has to have been unconscionable, that later, the circumstances make the contract irrelevant Unconscionability is understood by jurists as a doctrine used by the court of equity to correct menà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s conscience against unconscionable. Until now, inspiring writings and discussions have been made concerning the supposed or probable definition, description, criteria and application of the doctrine Undue influence is the use of power or influence by one person over another in such a way that the stronger party acquires a benefit, either for himself or for some other person.[2] The equitable construct of fiduciary relationships is associated with the doctrine of undue influence, which is distinguished from duress, the threat or use of excessive force. Cases of undue influence are founded upon the principle that one party is in a stronger bargaining position,[3] or has superior knowledge, or superior mental capacity than the other, weaker party who, as a result, relies on the stronger party. Common Law Countriesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ Position For the purpose of this assignment, I will firstly discuss the position of the Common Law countries, which are England, Canada and Australia on the use of doctrine of unconscionability as the basis of undue influence. England In cases of undue influence, a relationship exists where one party owes the other an obligation of candor and protection, where the former acquires over the latter a measure of influence, of which the ascendant person then takes unfair advantage. Allcard v. Skinner,[4] took place in the religious climate of nineteenth century England.Back then courts themselves had only recently been reformed then, the case highlighted the growth of undue influence in the nineteenth century as a factor which could spoil a contract. In the case, Miss Allcard gave virtually all her money to a religious sisterhood who devoted themselves to works of charity. Mis s Allcard became a sister and left the sisterhood and waited six years before she initiated action for the return of her money. After the trial judge held for the defendant, the case was appealed by raising two questions: (1) whether the gifts were revocable; and (2) if so, whether revocation was competent years after leaving the religious order. Although the majority of the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal, the enunciation of the equitable rule of undue influence became a vital doctrine. In another case, Earl of Chesterfield v. Janssen[5] involved an unfair agreement for the sale of an inheritance expectancy by an improvident young heir. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âno man in his senses and not under delusion would make on the one hand, and as no honest and fair man would accept on the other.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã That view has been echoed in England.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Thus here, it can be conclude that England does agrees that the doctrine of unconscionability is the requirements of Undue Influenc e. Australia The Australian position commencing with the established High Court decision of Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd v Amadio[6]. Amadio involved two plaintiffs who were elderly migrants with limited knowledge of English and lack of understanding of guarantee documents proffered by the bank, a circumstance that court described as a à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âspecial disability.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Amadio has been accepted as stating the law on unconscionability in Australia, as the court in Gregg v Tasmanian Trustees Ltd had held, à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âat least, the emergence from the shadows of this ground of equitable relief has relegated the doctrine of undue influence to a position of relative unimportance.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã The reasons given by the House of Lords for rejecting the case based on undue influence in National Westminster Bank Plc. v. Morgan that unconscionability as an independent ground of relief does not appear large on the English scene[7]. Unconscionability and undue infl uence overlap, the latter being more limited in scope, concerned as it is with the exercise by the contracting party of an independent and voluntary will.[8]While undue influence has been demoted to a position of relative unimportance in Australia, has an unmistakably defined doctrine of unconscionability. Thus, it may be concluded that in Australia, doctrine of Unconscionability is not the basis of Undue Influence as it stands alone. Canada In Canada, an evolved doctrine of unconscionability ought to identify material distinctions and similarities with the doctrine of undue influence. Otherwise, a blurred distinction might have a deterring effect. For example, one difference is the obligation of a party to refute undue influence where that incident exists by inference or presumption, as opposed to the evidentiary burden on a party pleading unconscionability to show there has been an improper use of power on the facts. The influential case on unconscionability was Fry v. La ne[9] and, although it was decided in 1888, over a year after Allcard v. Skinner,[10] Fry did not mention Skinner in the law report. Fry v. Lane considered future interests, setting set aside a deed taken from a poor and ignorant man at a considerable under value, the vendor having no independent advice. In the case of the equitable doctrines of undue influence and unconscionability, both are said to be à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âseparate and distinct doctrines with closely related principles,à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [11] both are separate causes of action, leading to the equitable remedy of rescission. Cases of unconscionability, however, often contain elements of undue influence[12] and the doctrinal distinction is blurred. In Canada, undue influence remains universal compared to unconscionability, but the distinction is unclear. For example, it was stated in MacKay v. Bank of Nova Scotia, that à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âunequal bargaining power, together with an unfair contract, create a presumption of un due influence.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [13]This statement is at odds with the earlier statement in Norberg v. Wynrib that the à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âdoctrine of unconscionability and the related principle of inequality of bargaining power are evolving.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [14] In conclusion, the boundaries between undue influence and unconscionability have been shifting or evolving, arguably affecting the standard of judicial decision making. While successful cases of unconscionability appear less frequently, the doctrine appears broader in scope than does undue influence. However, for now, the distinction remains unclear, resulting to a very wide interpretation of the doctrines. Malaysianà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Position In Malaysia, the doctrine of unconscionability is considered as still at its infancy but the awareness of the existence of this doctrine seems to be gaining ground. Section 16(3) of the Contract Act placed unconscionable as a mere part of proving undue influence. The Privy Council de cision in an Indian case of Poosathurai v Kannappa Chettiar,[15] observed that an agreement is considered `unconscionable when the lender is in a position to dominate the will of the borrower, and the bargain was `unconscionable within the meaning of s 16(3).. The decision in Poosathurai was further reaffirmed by Visu Sinnadurai J in Polygram Records Sdn Bhd v The Search Anor[16]. Malaysian courts are grappling with arguments based on inequality of bargaining power amidst the statutory provision on undue influence in the Contracts Act 1950. In Saad Marw[17]is case, the Court of Appeal had adopted a different approach. Gopal Sri Ram JCA started his judgment as follows: This is an important case. It has to do with whether our jurisprudence recognises a doctrine of inequality of bargaining power independent of the well-established doctrine of undue influence. This is the first time, at least as far as I am aware, that this issue has come up for decision at the appellate level. T he appellant, a farmer, had rented some land from the respondents (the leased land) from which he harvested coconuts. The appellant also held two pieces of land (the property) by prescriptive rights under the land law in force in Penang at the material time. This meant that the appellants title was defeasible and this defeasibility was confirmed by an indorsement on the title Then, he entered into agreement with responded, but the agreement is in English, and had deceived him. The appellant purported to terminate the agreement with the respondents. The appellant defended the action on a ground that the agreement was vitiated by undue influence.The trial judge rejected and the appellant appealed against the order of the trial judge. On appeal, the appellant argued that while the trial judge was entitled to reject the defence of undue influence, he ought to have held that the appellant had established a case of unfair advantage under section 21(2)(a) of the Specific Relief Act 1950 [18].According to the Court, this brought to focus the doctrine of inequality of bargaining power falling short of the proof of undue influence under section 16 of the Contracts Act. With this, the Court went on to consider whether Malaysian law recognises a general doctrine of inequality of bargaining . The Courts reference to both the doctrine of inequality of bargaining power and the doctrine of unconscionability in Saad Marwis case, read literally, would mean that the Malaysian position is wider than the English position where Lord Dennings attempt to invoke the principle of inequality of bargaining power to set aside transactions in Lloyds Bank Ltd v Bundy[19] was clearly rejected by the House of Lords in Westminster Bank Plc. However, in Canada, Lord Dennings principle of inequality of bargaining power has remained an important element in the development of unconscionability even after its rejection in the United Kingdom This has resulted in the Canadian doctrine being a fl uid and flexible one, and as described by Gopal Sri Ram JCA in Saad Marwis case, one which achieves practical justice.Some legal commentators suggest that à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âthe doctrine of undue influence is about impaired consent, not about wicked exploitation.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [20] A blurred distinction between undue influence and unconscionability exists, however, to the extent that recent cases on unconscionability restate the doctrine with a à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âkind of legal shorthand expression.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [21] Whether it is possible for unconscionable bargain or transaction to exist separately from the doctrine of undue influence? Apparently, there are several Malaysian cases that provide this answer in positive. The early case of Chait Singh v Budin b Abdullah[22], showed how court was willing to justify the existence of unconscionable bargain on the basis of the position of the parties, without the need to prove the requirement under section 16(1). This case apparently suggest s the independency of the doctrine of unconscionable bargain from the doctrine of undue influence in s 16. Gopal Sri Ram JCA suggests in Saad Marwi v Chan Hwan Hwa Anor that it is possible for Malaysia to import the wider doctrine of unconscionability independent of the doctrine of undue influence into the Malaysian contract law. The proposed wider doctrine is according to the English doctrine but tailored to the broad and liberal Canadian way because of the vulnerability of many Malaysians in matters of commerce and of the insufficiency of statutory protection afforded to Malaysian consumers. It is worth to point that Saad Marwi is held in Koh Yen Bee to be correctly decided based on the merits of the case. There is the possibility that Saad Marwi and Koh Yen Bee have looked at the doctrine of unconscionability from a narrow perspective. However, towver, Hbnusshe Court of Appeals decision in Saad Marwi v Chan Hwan Hua Anor [2001] 3 CLJ 98 has brought Malaysia nearer to this front in its recognition of a wider doctrine of inequality of bargaining power and the adoption of the English doctrine [of unconscionability] but apply it in a broad and liberal way as in Canada. Conclusion Unconscionability as an independent doctrine or as a doctrine of wider application is still at its infancy despite the historical evidence that it had been used to correct mens conscience in cases involving equitable frauds. There were several setbacks in its growth, which was hindered particularly by the common laws adherence to the doctrine of freedom of contract and the will theory. Even though the purpose of the doctrine is different from freedom of contract, it contributes towards ensuring security of the contract. 1The fact that the word unconscionable itself is in the Contract Act showed that the legislative wanted it to be a part of the doctrine of Undue Influence, either as a basis or as an element. However, based on the decision by the cases, Doctrine of unco scionability can also be a separate element from undue influence, being an independent equity itself. It is up to the court to interpret the law in section 16(3), and to really draw a line between unconscionability and undue influence. However, for now, the doctrine of unconscionability is appropriate to form the base for a claim of voidable contract (according to section 20 of the Contract Act) on the ground of undue influence but, it is still open for wider interpretation and alteration. BIBLIOGRAPHY TEXT BOOKS Cheong May Fong, Contract Law in Malaysia (Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong: Sweet Maxwell, 2010) Sinnadurai, Visu, Law of Contract, 4th ed (Butterworths: Lexis Nexis, 2011) Guest, AG (ed), Chitty on Contracts, Volume 1, General Principles, 31st ed (London: Sweet Maxwell, 2004) JOURNALS Sykes, N. A. Deakin University.à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"Unfairà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ results and unfair doctrines: Structuring the application of the equitable doctrines of undue influence and unconscionable dealing. Retrieved on 28th March 2014 Low Hang Yen, Malayan Law Journals Article. Unconscionability As A Ground For Withholding Payment In Demand Guarantees: Should The Exception Be Extended To Letters Of Credit?(2008) Retrieved on 28th March 2014 Black. J. A.Undue Influence And Unconscionability In Contracts And The Equitable Remedy Of Rescission In Canada. Retrieved on 28th Match 2014 Cheong May Foong, Malayan Law Journal Article; A Malaysian Doctrine of Inequality of Bargaining Power and Unconscionability after Saad Marwi. (2005) Retrieved on 30 April 2014 ACTS Act 137 Act 136 [1] Act 136 [2] Blackà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Law Dictionary 743 (3d ed. 2006). [3] Business Dictionary, Inequality of bargaining power, :// [4] [1887] 36 Ch.D. 145 (Eng.). [5] 28 Eng. Rep. 82 (Ch. 1750). [6] (1983) 151 CLR 447 [7] [1985] AC 686 [8] Gregg v Tasmanian Trustees Ltd., (1997) 73 F.C.R. 91 (Austl.) (citing Sir Anthony Mason, The Place of Equity, 110 L. Q. Rev. 248, 248 à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" 9 (1994)). Sir Anthony authored this article long after his judgement in Amadio, but before he retired in 1995 as Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia. [9] [1888] 40 Ch. D. 312 (Eng.). [10] [1887] 36 Ch. D. 145 (Eng.). [11] Morrison v. Coast Finance Ltd., [1965] 54 W.W.R. 257 (Can.). [12] Floyd v. Couture, [2004] A.J. No. 377, n.98 (Can. Alta.). [13] 1994] O.J. No. 2498 (Can.). [14] [1992] 2 S.C.R. 226 (Can.). [15] (1919) L.R. 47 Ind. App. [16] [1994]3 MLJ 127 [1 7] [2001] 3 CLJ 98 [18] Act 137 [19] [1975] QB 326 [20] Birks and Chin, On the Nature of Undue Influence Good Faith and Fault in Contract Law (Beatson Friedmann eds. 1995). [21] Smyth v. Szep, [1992] 2 W.W.R. 673, 681 à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" 2 (B.C.C.A.) (Can.). [22] (1918) 1 FMSLR 348
Monday, June 8, 2020
College Selection Paradox Of Prestige
Getting a gleaming letter of acceptance to an Ivy League is a tremendous boost of self-esteem and sign of validation for practically any high school student; years of polishing your resume and dreadful weeks spent trying to craft a flawless essay payed off. Its as if anyone accepted to a distinguished university is guaranteed prosperity and triumph. à à à à However the mindset that in order to be successful in life you must go to a prestigious college is being even more frequently questioned in the past several years. The idealized image of a top tier college as a ravishing center of learning and innovation is diluted in an ocean of student debt and suspicious admission decisions favoring the wealthy applicants (despite calling themselves ââ¬Ëneed-blindââ¬â¢). à à à à Racial minorities, like Native Americans and Pacific Islanders, have a significant advantage in admissions; an equally qualified Caucasian applicant would be rejected because colleges wan t to promote an image of diversity. Similarly, out of state students are favored at universities with high in-state percentages; for instance at UCLA the acceptance rate for OOS students is almost 10% higher than for California residents. At what point will an applicant be judged based purely on merit, and not on uncontrollable factors like race, geographic location, and social class? The issue is especially prominent in the most well-known institutions because they have to maintain a an impeccable image to ensure high ranking. à à à à I had the privilege of spending the past week at a summer program at Stanford University ââ¬â living in the dorms, attending journalism classes and experiencing a college lifestyle. Luckily, I got three very likable roommates and had plenty of spare time after classes to explore the vast campus which completely re-shaped my perceptions of my ââ¬Å"dream collegeâ⬠. Alluring autumn trees with endless beams of sunlight glaring thro ugh the branches, proud students flaunting ââ¬ËStanfordââ¬â¢ t-shirts and carelessly racingà their bikes through the blossoming parks - at first glance it might even seem as if college isnââ¬â¢t as stressful as my parents led me to believe. However behind the welcoming smiles and polished appearances are people who spend restless hours studying every night, participating in a multitude of clubs and athletics and burying themselves in test prep books to ensure a high SAT/ACT score. Many were forced to give up the classes they enjoyed to replace them with what they believe colleges are looking for and prioritize subjects they fundamentally disliked to increase their grade point average, knowing that in the future they wonââ¬â¢t be pursuing a career in that field. à à à à If I learned anything that week, itââ¬â¢s that going to a prestigious college isnââ¬â¢t about the bragging rights, and not even about impressing your future employer, but rather about surrounding yourself with other ambitious, intelligent, committed students - those who will challenge you and, at times even make you feel like you are under accomplished, but most importantly push you to become a more independent and empowered individual. A top ranked college might be full of ambitious students, but also people who were admitted based on their financial standing, legacy status, or the fact that they came from an underrepresented region of the country. There are countless Ivy League graduates who, after finishing post-secondary education, have difficulty finding employment or putting their skills to practice. Abraham Lincoln was just one of the nine US presidents who never went to college, yet can you imagine how vastly different the country wouldââ¬â¢ve been if, instead of pursuing his wildly successful career in politics, he spent four years being forced to study subjects he has no interest in. à à à à The popularity of the college you go to doesn ââ¬â¢t at all define you, and no one should be putting their self-esteem into the hands of an admissions officer who flips through dozens of applications on a weekly basis, often forgetting to acknowledge that there are real people behind the unadorned folders whose faith is being determined. Likewise, picking a college purely based on its high ranking to impress your peers is an enormous (though unfortunately frequent) mistake. à à à à Graduates of reputable colleges are inherently looked up upon, thus defying expectations when they donââ¬â¢t achieve the level of success expected from such a diligent student. Excelling academically has little to do with the impact one will make on their community and the planet, and more to do with how well they can follow the strictly defined academic system. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to education, and not one college would fit every passion and aspiration; so it shouldnââ¬â¢t be a surprise when a valed ictorian and student body president announces sheââ¬â¢s turning down an offer from Princeton to go to a state school, just like it shouldnââ¬â¢t be a surprise when a Harvard alum finds themselves broke and unemployed.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Womens Roles in Hiean Court of Medieval Japan - 506 Words
The Heian court of medieval Japan was a progressive and dynamic society where women commanded a fair amount of power and respect. In many ways it seemed to be the basis of the rank n file, material culture of todayââ¬â¢s society. The social structure of society throughout the court was set up in three different ranks. In chapter two, Genjiââ¬â¢s friend, To no Chujo explained the three roles and how they determined the role of women in court. Women of high rank would be the wife of a high ranking elite, thus responsible for raising the future heirs, women of lower rank were concubines and often had better relationships with the man than his wife. did It was this complicated ranking system that led to the abundance of accepted promiscuity, however the two roles kept a bit of stability and normalcy throughout the court. Social rank was a main factor in determining womenââ¬â¢s role in court and from the first chapter of ââ¬Å"The Tale of Genjiâ⬠author Maruabu Shikabu stressed the importance of social role. Genjiââ¬â¢s mother, often the brunt of slanderous abuse from the Emperors wife, withdrew from court and took Genji away from court to live with her family. Social importance was best explained though in chapter two by Genjiââ¬â¢s friend, To-no-Chujo. Chujo defines the different ranks to Genji while discussing the women they have slept with. To suggests that the three different ranks among women were; ââ¬Å"High rank, Middle Rank, and No Rank (Commoners). Genjiââ¬â¢s mother was a lower (Middle) rank
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Learn About Where Polar Bears Live
Polar bears are the largest bear species. They can grow to from 8 feet to 11 feet tall and about 8 feet long, and they can weigh in anywhere from 500 pounds to 1,700 pounds. They are easy to recognize due to their white coat and dark eyes and nose. You may have seen polar bears in zoos, but do you know where these iconic marine mammals live in the wild? Knowing can help us help this threatened species survive. There are 19 different populations of polar bears, and all live in the Arctic region. This is the area that is north of the Arctic Circle, which lies at 66 degrees, 32 minutes North latitude. Where to Go If Youre Hoping to See a Polar Bear in the Wild United States (Alaska)Canada, including the provinces and territories of Manitoba, Newfoundland, Labrador, Quebec, Ontario, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and Yukon Territory)Greenland/DenmarkNorwayRussian Federation Polar bears are native to the countries above and occasionally are found in Iceland. A polar bear range map from the IUCN can be seen to view populations. You can see live footage of polar bears in Manitoba. If you want to see a polar bear in a completely non-native region, you can check out the polar bear camera from the San Diego Zoo. Why Polar Bears Live in Such Cold Areas Polar bears are suited to cold areas because they have thick fur and a layer of fat that is 2 inches to 4 inches thick that keeps them warm despite the frigid temperatures. But the main reason they live in these cold areas is that that is where theirà preyà resides. Polar bears feed on ice-loving species, such as seals (ringed and bearded seals are their favorites), and sometimes walruses and whales. They stalk their prey by waiting patiently near holes in the ice. This is where the seals surface, and therefore where the polar bears can hunt. Sometimes they swim below the ice to hunt, directly in the freezing water. They can spend time on land and not just on ice banks, so long as there is access to food. They can also sniff out where seal dens are for another means to find food. They need the fat from the seals to survive and prefer these types of high-fat creatures. The range of polar bears is limited by the southern extent of sea ice. This is why we commonly hear about their habitats being threatened; less ice, fewer places to thrive. Ice is essential for the survival of polar bears. They are a species that is threatened by global warming. You can help polar bears in small ways by reducing your carbon footprint with activities such as walking, riding a bike or using public transportation instead of driving; combining errands so that you use your car less; conserving energy and water, and buying items locally to cut down on the environmental impacts of transportation.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Elderly With Congestive Heart Failure - 1429 Words
An elderly male with congestive heart failure was brought to a clinic because he was experiencing atrial fibrillation and had a ventricular response of 110 beats/min with palpitations and shortness of breath1. Medications that he was taking includes angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, Lisinopril, Carvediol, Digoxin, and Furosemide1. His left ventricular ejection fraction has been reduced to 25%1. Further examinations showed that he had edema in his legs and crackles at the base of his lungs1. He was then told to increase the dosage of Furosemide by taking the drug twice daily instead of once, and doubling the dose per administration1. One week later, the electrocardiogram revealed that he had ventricular arrhythmias such as prematureâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Stroke volume is the volume of blood the ventricle ejects per heartbeat, and factors such as preload, afterload, and contractility of the heart all have implications in stroke volume2. Preload describes the extent to wh ich the myocardial fiber stretches at the end of diastole, and afterload is the resistance the heart must overcome for the ventricle to eject blood2. Heart failure describes a syndrome in which the patient has a dysfunctional heart incapable of sustaining an adequate cardiac output, and this syndrome is responsible for a large portion of cardiovascular-related deaths2. There are two types of left ventricular dysfunction, one is systolic dysfunction which has implications in defective ventricular ejection and contraction, and the other is diastolic dysfunction which has implications in dysfunctional ventricular relaxation and filling2. Heart failure patients with systolic dysfunction have an ejection fraction of less than 40%, and heart failure patients with diastolic dysfunction have an ejection fraction of greater than 40%. In the case study, the patient has a left ventricular ejection fraction of 25% which means that he is suffering from systolic dysfunction. Consequences of left ventricular systolic dysfunction include ischemic diseases, atrial fibrillation, increased ventricular response, and myocardial infarctions2. Some of these symptoms were seen in the patient from the case study. Factors leading to left
Small Business Funding Options - 1170 Words
There are several advantages to accepting funding from a relative. The first, and most obvious, is that by entering into a partnership to pay back this relative, there is no high rate interest to worry about, as there would be with a bank loan. Also, the relative only has to agree to the assistance, instead of applying for bank approval. There is also no risk of depreciation, as there is with the stock market. However, there is also a very large risk with this type of funding. When using a short or long term loan with a bank, once approval is granted, the funding is guaranteed. When borrowing from a relative, he/she can decide at any time to stop funding for no particular reason. By loaning us money for our business, my relativeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The disadvantage to an angel investor is that we will essentially be putting ourselves at their mercy, and any disagreements will not be taken lightly. In the event, however, we decide to secure a small business loan, the SBA (Small Business Administration) offers a loan guarantee up to $750,000, or 75% of individual loans made by private investors. While this sum is much too high for our start up, we do not necessarily have to request the most money possible. However, the SBA loan guarantee should be used as a last resort, as we must first show that we cannot obtain funding using conventional methods with reasonable terms. We must also offer a personal guarantee for the loan, and demonstrate a sufficient cash flow to repay the loan. In short, the risks associated with each type of funding available to us make our options limited. I believe the best and least risky options are credit cards, as they can assist us with replenishing our supplies, and have the appealing get it now, pay later mantra that is appealing when cash flow is limited. Grants are also a good option, as they are freeShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of a Partnership in Business994 Words à |à 4 Pagesmain fundin g options for a small business and determine how management accounting can be of use to business executives especially in the areas of budgeting, incremental analysis and product costing. Lastly, in addition to identifying the basic components of the marketing process, I also discuss the role technology and social responsibility play in the marketing function. Partnership as a Form of Ownership: Pros and Cons A partnership according to Burrow and Bosijevac (2011) is a business thatRead MoreEssay On Angel Entrepreneurs870 Words à |à 4 PagesWhile many investors and business owners do insist that an idea is the important element of any business entity, they also do concur that it is quite challenging to start, operate and sustain any business venture without capital. 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While that is a relatively typical issue with new entrepreneurs, it does not need to be like this. You should expect to put some of your own personal money into a startup business; however that should not be the exclusive place you turn for funding. So as to help you out, here are a few other ways of funding your new company whichRead MoreEssay On Crowd Funding1016 Words à |à 5 PagesCrowd funding is an alternative method available to entrepreneurs aiming to gain money to finance their business enterprises. Kickstarter is a popular website that helps aspiring inventors and artists find investors to fund various projects. It is often difficult to find a single investor to help finance a project, and crowd funding can help alleviate the need for a single investor. 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Self Managed Teams Essay Example For Students
Self Managed Teams Essay Self Managed Teams Introduction Self-managed teams (SMTs) are relatively small groups of employees given substantial responsibility for planning organizing, scheduling and production of work products or service. SMTs however are more than just another way of directing groups. The concept, according to John Simmons, involves nothing less than, the complete restructuring of the jobs that people does. Thus, Self-managed work teams are groups of employees tasked with monitoring and reviewing a product or process in a firm and coming up with solutions to problems they encounter. Self-organized semi-autonomous small group whose members determine, plan, and manage their day-to-day activities and duties (in addition to providing other supportive functions such as production scheduling, quality assurance, and performance appraisal) under reduced or no supervision. Also called self directed team, self-managed natural work team, or self managed team. Self managed teams are workers who have been organized into teams on the basis of relatively complete task functions. They make decisions on a wide range of issues, often including such traditional management prerogatives as: * Who will work on which machines or work operations * How to address inter-personal difficulties within the group * How to resolve quality problems, and so forth. Also, these teams usually consist of five to fifteen employees, who: * Produce an entire product instead of sub-units * Learn all tasks and rotate from job to job * Take over vacation scheduling, order materials etc. Such groups are self-regulating and work without direct supervision. Normally, a manager acts as the team leader and is responsible for defining the goals, methods, and functioning of the team. However, interdependencies and conflicts between different parts of an organization may not be best addressed by hierarchical models of control. Self-managed teams use clear boundaries to create the freedom and responsibility to accomplish tasks in an efficient manner. The main idea of the self-managed team is that the leader does not operate with positional authority. In a traditional management role, the manager is responsible for providing instruction, onducting communication, developing plans, giving orders, and disciplining and rewarding employees, and making decisions by virtue of his or her position. In this organizational model, the manager delegates specific responsibility and decision-making authority to the team itself, in the hope that the group will make better decisions than any individual. Neither a manager nor the team leaders make independent d ecisions in the delegated responsibility area. Decisions are typically made by consensus in successful self-managed teams, by voting in very large or formal teams, and by hectoring and bullying in unsuccessful teams. The team as a whole is accountable for the outcome of its decisions and actions. Self-managed teams operate in many organizations to manage complex projects involving research, design, process improvement, and even systemic issue resolution, particularly for cross-department projects involving people of similar seniority levels. While the internal leadership style in a self-managed team is distinct from traditional leadership and operates to neutralize the issues often associated with traditional leadership models, a self-managed team still needs support from senior management to operate well. Self-managed teams may be interdependent or independent. Of course, merely calling a group of people a self-managed team does not make them either a team or self-managed. As a self-managed team develops successfully, more and more areas of responsibility can be delegated, and the team members can come to rely on each other in a meaningful way Objective: The objectives of using SMTs are to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of specific tasks. This approach achieves these objectives by having SMT team members look beyond their individual task concerns, to the needs of specific groups and the entire organization. Benefits and uses of SMTs: â⬠¢ Reduced absenteeism â⬠¢ Increased productivity â⬠¢ Increased employee satisfaction, morale cohesiveness â⬠¢ Multi-skilled workforce benefit â⬠¢ Greater level of personal responsibility to the companys targets â⬠¢ Unique flexibility in job functions â⬠¢ 100% of team members all pulling to a common goal â⬠¢ A significant reduction in day-to-day problems â⬠¢ Awards for achievement are shared equally The most beneficial aspects of self-managed teams are that they are management innovations that are based on an accurate understanding of human nature and motivation. They eliminate bureaucratic/pyramidal values and replace them with humanistic/democratic value systems. They provide a work climate in which everyone has a chance to grow and mature as individuals, as members of a team by satisfying their own needs, while working for the success of the organization. ââ¬Å"Self managed teams are closely associated with the concept of employee empowerment which entails the employee to have the requisite authority and resources required by him to carry out his responsibilities. Roadblocks and risks of SMTs Three major SMT roadblocks and risks are listed: 1. Watergate EssayFirst comes the strategic plan, then the tasks needed to carry out the plan, finally, teams are formed to do the tasks. 2. Team basics are often overlooked. Team basics are: size, purpose, goals, skills, approach, and accountability. 3. Teams at the top are the most difficult. Executives have complex, long-term challenges, heavy demands on their time. 4. Thereââ¬â¢s no need to throw out the hierarchy. Teams are the best way to integrate across structural boundaries. They are the best way to design and energize core processes. 5. Teams permit performance and learning at the same time. There is no better way to become a learning organization than to have a team-based structure which thrives on people learning from peers Important Books on SMT 1. Banner, David K. , Kulisch, W. Anthony, and Peery, Newman S. Self-Managing Work Teams (SWMT) and the Human Resource Function, Management Decision, Vol. 30 No. 3, 1992. 2. Carr, C. Planning Priorities for Empowered Teams. Journal of Business Strategy. Vol. 13 n5 pp. 43-47. Sept. /Oct. 1992. 3. Harper, A. , and Harper, B. Skill-Building for Self-Directed Team Members. MW Corporation N. Y. , 1992. 4. Hoerr, J. The Pay-off from Teamwork Business Week, Dec. , 1989. 5. Howard, Ann, and Bray, Douglas W. , ATT. Continuities and Discontinuities between Two Generations of Bell System Managers. (Feb. 1981). 6. Jenkins, D. , Job Power: Blue and White Collar Democracy, Penguin Books, New York, NY, 1973. 7. Klutznick, Philip M. , et. al. , Social Indicators III: Selected Data on Social Conditions and Trends in the United States, Federal Statistical System: U. S. Department of Commerce, Dec. 1980. 8. Manz, Charles C. , Mastering Self-leadership: Empowering Yourself for Personal Excellence, Prentice-Hall, 1991. 9. Manz, Charles C. and Sims, Jr. , Henry P. , SuperLeadership: Leading Others to Lead Themselves, Prentice-Hall, 1989. 10. Manz, C. C. , Keating, D. E. Donnellon, A. , Preparing for an Organizational Change to Employee Self-Management: The Managerial Transition, Organizational Dynamics, Autumn, 1990. 11. Manz, Charles C. , Self-Leading Work Teams: Moving Beyond Self-Managing Myths, Human Relations, Vol. 4 No. 11, 1992. Maslow, A. H. , Psychology of Science Harper Row, New York, 1966. 12. Miner, John and Smith, Norman. Can Organization Design Make up for Motivational Decline? The Wharton Magazine pp. 2. Summer, 1981. 13. Mullen, T. P. (1992) Integrating Self-directed Teams into the Management Development Curriculum. Journal of Management Development. Vol. 11 No. 5 pp. 43-54. 14. Nicklas, G. Self-managing Teams and Unions. Quality Circle Journal, p. 36-40. June 1987. 15. Raelin, Joseph A. , The 60s Kids in the Corporation: More than Just Daydream Believers. Academy of Management Ex ecutives, Vol. 1, 1987. 16. Salem, M. , et. al. Developing Self-Managing Teams: Structure and Performance, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 11 No. 3, 1992. 17. Sheppard, Harold L. and Herrick, Neal O. Where Have all the Robots Gone? Worker Satisfaction. The Free Press, New York. 1972. 18. Shipper, Frank, and Manz, Charles. Employee Self-Management Without Formally Designed Teams: An Alternative Road to Empowerment. Organizational Dynamics, Winter, 1992. 19. Simmons, J. , Starting Self-Managing Teams, Journal for Quality and Participation, Dec. , 1989. 20. Vaughan, Jerry L. , The Major Impacts of the Baby Boom upon American Life. Eric Document, ED230478. pp. 1-24, 1985. 21. Weiss, H. M. , Subordinate Imitation of Supervisor Behavior: The Role of Modeling in Organizational Socialization. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. Vol. 19, pp. 89-105. 1977. 22. Weisbord, M. D. Participative Work Design: A Personal Odyssey. Organizational Dynamics. pp. 27-19. 1990. 23. Wilhelms, S. M. Quality Improvement in Self-Directed Work Teams. TAPPI Journal, May, 1992. 24. Walton, R. E. , Work Innovations at Topeka: After Six Years. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1977. 25. Yan kelovich, Daniel. , Work Values and the New Breed, in Work in America: The Decade Ahead, C. Kerr and J. Rosnow, eds. , Van Nostran and Reinhold, New York, 1979.
A Manifesto for the Position of School Prefect free essay sample
Colleagues, my reasons for vying for this position are very tangible and varied. Firstly, my personal qualities compelled me to vie for this enviable position. I am specifically referring to my high sense of discipline, hardworking, academically good, physically sound and friendly. These are not all, my astuteness, Honest and ability to turn adversity into advantage are just proverbial. Beloved student, a compound prefect should be descent and well discipline, dedicated and wiliness to serve his people with all diligence. These re qualities that I am not deficient in. I know by now most of you are wondering how I will be able to realize them, I am specifically referring to my tactics for achieving these. Colleagues, if you give me the mandate to serve you as your compound prefect for the 2013/2014 academic year, my first priority will be ensuring high sense of discipline, as discipline being the hallmark of every institution, I intend when giving the mandate, to build upon the already laid foundation of the school by my predecessor. We will write a custom essay sample on A Manifesto for the Position of School Prefect or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To do this, I need your maximum cooperation and that of the administration, to see to it hat the discipline level of this institution has raising to our expectation both in mind and attitude to deal with the environmental challenges of this institute Zion. Beloved student, when you give me the mandate to serve you as your compound prefect, my next priority is helping the school create a conducive and a clean environment as the saying goes **cleanliness is next to To achieve a high degree of academics performance a clean environment is a major factor to consider. And also with help of the school administration provide all the necessary logistics as to ensure a clean and afar environment. Ladies and gentlemen, when you give me the mandate to serve you as your compound prefect, again I will ensure that with the help of the senior house master; provide enough brooms and scrubbing brushes to the various houses to undertake effective inspection. On the issue of grounds work, with the help of the administration, to ensure that at least every house will be provided with a mower as to reduce student using their strengths in weeding. Last but not the least, promise to live a life wealthy of emulation both on campuses and the dormitory, as for student to sake a leaf out of my note book. Do you remember the phrase leadership by example, promise to ensure a clean and a healthy environment. Old go on and on but the constraint of time will not allow me, I therefore wish to solicit to your overwhelming support so that I get the mandate to serve you as the compound prefect, as my motto goes **total service to mother to enable us achieve all the laudable aims and plains outline in my speech. I promise to discharge all my duties to abide by all conditionalitys and to rule in the interest of all. Long live Mother Cannas, Long live her Student. Thank you.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Inventory Fixed Asset Management in Hospital free essay sample
Many research works are carried out and many more post graduates are passing out yearly. There is a systematic growth of the university in various forms i. e. expansion of courses, constructing new buildings for various departments, improving the quality of study, providing a good ,healthy and sound environment for the researchers and students. There is also a hostel facility for all the researchers and the students since from establishment of the university. Recently our university has celebrated ââ¬Å"GOLDEN JUBLEE FUNCTIONâ⬠for the successful completion of 50 years of education growth. The facilities of the students are increasing day by day . There are many departments in the university and it is providing service to students in the S. V. University. The maintenance of this Health Center is carried out by Sr. Medical Officer, Jr. Medical Officers and working staff. The services to all the patients are provided with excellence. It is having five departments providing services to the patients. We will write a custom essay sample on Inventory Fixed Asset Management in Hospital or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are special department known as the Psychological Department that takes the special counseling to the persons who are psychologically depressed. The services like X-Ray and the Ultra Sound are also provided. With every going day the need to be where the inflow of out patient request exceeds that which can be handled manually. Hence computerization of OP receipt request and maintenance of the drugs through the computerization brings better satisfaction and service oriented ness. Quicker processing of OPNO receipt would mean better service to the patients . It would also help in the complexity of maintaining the records manually and thus less time is wasted on rework. Proper maintenance of the drug information timely dispatching of the drugs from the main stores to the pharmacy and also maintenance of daily dispatching of the drugs to the out patients from the pharmacy to the out patients . Towards this achievement the computerization of the Health Center will help greatly in maintaining pf proper information about the out patients who are eligible for the free services and the patients who are not eligible for the free services , drug information , patients records ,and daily dispatching of the drugs to various patients .
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Assigning Oxidation States Example Problem
Assigning Oxidation States Example Problem The oxidation state of an atom in a molecule refers to the degree of oxidation of that atom. Oxidation states are assigned to atoms by a set of rules based on the arrangement of electrons and bonds around that atom. This means each atom in the molecule has its own oxidation state which could be different from similar atoms in the same molecule.These examples will use the rules outlined in Rules for Assigning Oxidation Numbers. Key Takeaways: Assigning Oxidation States An oxidation number refer to the quantity of electrons that may be gained or lost by an atom. An atom of an element may be capable of multiple oxidation numbers.The oxidation state is the positive or negative number of an atom in a compound, which may be found by comparing the numbers of electrons shared by the cation and anion in the compound needed to balance each others charge.The cation has a positive oxidation state, while the anion has a negative oxidation state. The cation is listed first in a formula or compound name. Problem: Assign oxidation states to each atom in H2OAccording to rule 5, oxygen atoms typically have an oxidation state of -2.According to rule 4, hydrogen atoms have an oxidation state of 1.We can check this using rule 9 where the sum of all oxidation states in a neutral molecule is equal to zero.(2 x 1) (2 H) -2 (O) 0 TrueThe oxidation states check out.Answer: The hydrogen atoms have an oxidation state of 1 and the oxygen atom has an oxidation state of -2.Problem: Assign oxidation states to each atom in CaF2.Calcium is a Group 2 metal. Group IIA metals have an oxidation of 2.Fluorine is a halogen or Group VIIA element and has a higher electronegativity than calcium. According to rule 8, fluorine will have an oxidation of -1.Check our values using rule 9 since CaF2 is a neutral molecule:2 (Ca) (2 x -1) (2 F) 0 True.Answer: The calcium atom has an oxidation state of 2 and the fluorine atoms have an oxidation state of -1.Problem: Assign oxidation states to the atoms in hypochlorou s acid or HOCl. Hydrogen has an oxidation state of 1 according to rule 4.Oxygen has an oxidation state of -2 according to rule 5.Chlorine is a Group VIIA halogen and usually has an oxidation state of -1. In this case, the chlorine atom is bonded to the oxygen atom. Oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine making it the exception to rule 8. In this case, chlorine has an oxidation state of 1.Check the answer:1 (H) -2 (O) 1 (Cl) 0 TrueAnswer: Hydrogen and chlorine have 1 oxidation state and oxygen has -2 oxidation state.Problem: Find the oxidation state of a carbon atom in C2H6. According to rule 9, the sum total oxidation states add up to zero for C2H6.2 x C 6 x H 0Carbon is more electronegative than hydrogen. According to rule 4, hydrogen will have a 1 oxidation state.2 x C 6 x 1 02 x C -6C -3Answer: Carbon has a -3 oxidation state in C2H6.Problem: What is the oxidation state of the manganese atom in KMnO4?According to rule 9, the sum total of oxidation states of a neutral molecule equal zero. K Mn (4 x O) 0Oxygen is the most electronegative atom in this molecule. This means, by rule 5, oxygen has an oxidation state of -2.Potassium is a Group IA metal and has an oxidation state of 1 according to rule 6.1 Mn (4 x -2) 01 Mn -8 0Mn -7 0Mn 7Answer: Manganese has an oxidation state of 7 in the KMnO4 molecule.Problem: What is the oxidation state of the sulfur atom in the sulfate ion - SO42-.Oxygen is more electronegative than sulfur, so the oxidation state of oxygen is -2 by rule 5.SO42- is an ion, so by rule 10, the sum of the oxidation numbers of the ion is equal to the charge of the ion. In this case, the charge is equal to -2.S (4 x O) -2S (4 x -2) -2S -8 -2S 6Answer: The sulfur atom has an oxidation state of 6.Problem: What is the oxidation state of the sulfur atom in the sulfite ion - SO32-?Just like the previous example, oxygen has an oxidation state of -2 and the total oxidation of the ion is -2. The only difference is the one less oxygen. S (3 x O) -2S (3 x -2) -2S -6 -2S 4Answer: Sulfur in the sulfite ion has an oxidation state of 4.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Impact of empowerment on the organizational behavior in 5 star hotels Essay
Impact of empowerment on the organizational behavior in 5 star hotels - Essay Example People are their most important resource. In fact organizations are also generically selling their goods or services to another set of people i.e. the customers. For any commercial organization it is then a people versus people equation for its survival. Unlike other resources which an organization deploys people or its staff are live resources that think, have feelings, aspirations, motives and emotions which get nurtured, developed ,frustrated or stunted every now and then. No human would be willing to work with frustrated aspirations or stunted and suppressed feelings. Thus it becomes incumbent on an organization to nurture and develop the feelings, aspirations, emotions of its employees. This is the traditional function of the human resource management function in any organization correctly when they happen. Present day literature, however lays more emphasis on strategic human resource management wherein the human resource management function is aligned in such a manner that fulf illing human resource management function automatically ensures reaching strategic objectives of the organization. In short the human resource management function is woven with in the overall strategy of the organization. Strategic approach to human resource management implies putting in place a set of internally consistent policies and practices that ensure that organizationââ¬â¢s human capital (skills, combined knowledge of employees and abilities) contributes to organizations strategic objectives.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
The Complexity of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Complexity of Management - Essay Example It is important to note that these events cannot be specifically prevented, as most cases come up as unexpected (Cummings, 2004). In line with this type of complexity's unpredictable nature, the consequences implied afflict conflict between the organization and its stakeholders, and hinders the firm from attaining its corporate goals. A simple problem can escalate into a crisis if not properly managed, one of which can adversely affect the organization and its operations (Bhave and Narendra, 2000). Complexity in the form of Crisis Complexities in the form of crises are usually brought about by risks, whether these have been identified by the firm or not. From a corporate perspective, the disadvantage is that these risks, regardless of its societal, economic, physical, or technological nature, has the possibility of evolving into a more sophisticated and complicated framework (Bhave and Narendra, 2000).Such a premise is supported by situations wherein the consequences of risks would n ot only influence a specific aspect of the business, due to the interrelated nature of business wherein one small detail can affect the whole operations in general. From this perspective, one can note that the effect of risks can either be direct or systematic, wherein both scenarios present a threat to the organization's business (Alavi and Leidner, 2001). The ubiquitous nature of risks in firms imply the need for organizations to employ problem solving approaches that are innovative, as this would serve as their guide in identifying the nature of the problem and quickly apply the most ideal and practical solution. In addressing crisis, solutions must not be applied to fix problems temporarily, as the concept of strategic decision making regards the need for solutions that would produce a long term implication. In crises events, a company can either "pay sooner or later". However, a crisis cannot be immediately solved by a perfect template designed to fix situational events (Choo, 2006). In every crisis lie external and internal factors that must be considered, as each are sensitive to the environment and the situation at hand. The evaluation and implementation process of efficient measures are also coupled by risks, which is why mitigation strategies must be carefully formulated. It is important to note that communication is key in every crisis situation, as an open and continuous communication with stakeholders exemplifies transparency and enjoins trust among the stakeholders (Cummings, 2004). Through establishing trust and transparency, the organization would be equipped the capability to effectively carry out their mitigating measures to address and manage the crisis (Gioia and Chittipeddi, 2006). The Case of Johnson and Johnson: The Tylenol Crisis The researcher has chosen the nature of complexity in corporate organizations, particularly Johnsons and Johnsons, in regards to the renowned crisis concerning Tylenol. In that light, the focus of the study is the application of Crisis Management (Rehak, 2002). The researcher aims to deconstruct the Tylenol crisis, as to how Johnsons and Johnsons resolved the issue in terms of Planning, Leading, Organizing and Controlling on a Management Perspective. The core issue of Johnson and Johnson rooted from the spiked Tylenol products, wherein the issue has aggravated and reached a national level due to the concerns of affected stakeholders (Rudolph, 2000). The incident transpired in October
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